Thursday, November 8, 2018

MacBook Keyboard Shortcuts

Tucker, DMM 5th Hour

Who doesn’t love a shortcut? Here is a list of quick keyboard shortcuts available on your MacBook: Keyboard Functions

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Meme Generator

Orrin, DMM 3rd Hour

Do you like memes? Well then why not make your own? Check out 3 Tools for Making Memes in School.

Choosing Where to Save Documents

Liam, DMM 1st Hour

Tired of saving documents and not being able to find them? To directly change where your documents save on Chrome, simply go to your settings and under the advanced tab, go to your download settings and choose which file path your downloads will go.

Google Calendar

Liam, DMM 1st Hour

With Google Calendar, it's easy to collaborate events and dates with friends! To share your calendar with a friend simply go to, and enter a friend's email in the left panel where it says "Add a friend's calendar." After that, verify the action in your emails and you're set.

Royalty Free Images

Olivia, DMM 1st Hour

Do you want beautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project?
Check out for royalty free images.

Cam Scanner

Olivia, DMM 1st Hour

Looking for a scanner?
CamScanner turns your mobile into a portable scanner. Simply snap a photo of documents, receipts, or notes, and CamScanner will allow you to crop and enhance the image, making text an easily readable pdf.